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Thursday 10 September 2020 is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask “Are you OK?”. It’s one simple conversation, you don’t have to be an expert to reach out- just a good friend and a great listener.


Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

1. Ask R U OK?

2. Listen

3. Encourage action

4. Check-in

A conversation saved my life: Justin’s powerful, life-changing story.


As employers or staff, we can all create a culture where people feel confident asking and answering this simple yet important question. Besides our legal responsibility for providing a safe and healthy workplace, these conversations can make a real difference to staff going through a tough time. R U OK? RESOURCES

The Blackdog Institute has resources to support workplaces during COVID-19.

Depending on your organisation, you and your team may now be working remotely, running staggered rosters, or working modified duties on site. These changes, coupled with the ongoing health and economic threat of COVID-19, can have a significant impact on employee wellbeing.

As a manager, it’s important to think about how to support your staff, particularly those struggling with stress and other emotions. Here’s what you can do.

  • Maintain regular catch-ups with your team

  • Look out for signs of struggle

  • Set up regular 1:1 meetings with staff you’re concerned about

  • Provide support, both in and beyond the workplace

  • Keep an eye on your own mental health

If you or someone you know is struggling these 24/7 counselling services can help.

  • Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14

  • Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800

  • MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78

  • Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467

  • Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636

  • Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling | 1800 011 046

Take care of yourself!


P.S. Facing challenges with team alignment, culture, or retention? Here are some ways we can work together: 


  1. Leadership development programs that empower your leaders to lead with confidence and navigate change

  2. Bespoke workshops addressing your specific team and leadership needs

  3. Read Thriving Leaders: Learn the Skills to Lead Confidently, you can purchase it here


If you’d like to chat, please book some time in my calendar

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